Diagnostic Radiology

Diagnostic Radiology

The Radiology is a medical specialty that uses imaging to diagnose & treat diseases seen within the human body.

Radiologist use a variety of imaging techniques such as  X-ray, Ultrasound, CT Scan & MRI to diagnose the diseases.

At our Radiology department, we have well trained, experienced and specialized staff  of  radio diagnosis. In our radiology department, we perform many procedures for diagnoses, like  X-rays & Ultrasounds.

X-Ray Unit: This is a digital unit (CR ), used to look through tissues to examine bones, cavities & foreign objects. May be used with contrast agents to provide a live motion image; e.g. fluoroscopy to image digestive system; or organ cavities like the uterine cavity (IVP) & Fallopian tubes ( HSG).

At our X-Ray Unit, we have a very strong & accurate X ray machine which allows us to perform variable x-rays of different body parts with multiple positions & angulations.

Ultrasound Unit: Uses high frequency sound by a most recent Ultrasound Machine allows us to do scan over the different bodies by superficial , deep & tranvaginal probes; for examples:

  • Abdominopelvic Ultrasound
  • Urinary system Ultrasound
  • Thyroid Ultrasound & parotid ultrasound
  • Breast ultrasound
  • Doppler on different body vessels
  • Soft tissue ultrasound on different body parts
  • All types of gynecological & obstetrics ultrasound
  • Tranvaginal ultrasound

We have contracts with other specialized centers for services’ outsourcing of radio-diagnosis which provide other services of radio-diagnosis like CT etc. which provide cross sectional views of the body allowing disease to be identified & localized. MRI provides high quality imaging of body parts without the need for radiation.

Some of the diagnostic tests may require compounds to be ingested or chemicals to be injected for a clear view of blood vessels.


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