Obstetrics & Gynecology

Obstetrics & Gynecology

The scope of service of this department is to deal with antenatal and postnatal care, normal vaginal,forceps, vacuum, breech extraction and painless deliveries (Nitrous mask/Epidural). The staff of this department are well trained, experienced and licensed to handle the complicated and high risk pregnancies, all kinds of gynecological disorders & infertility cases, pre & post menopausal conditions with latest modalities.

Most people plan to have children at some point in their lives, and many assume that when they are ready they will be able to conceive without trouble. Our staff is skilled in the management of primary or secondary infertility cases; we provide comprehensive evaluation and care (diagnostic & therapeutic) for women in all stages of infertility.

Our team-based approach includes you as a partner in maternity care throughout all stages of pregnancy. This department comprises highly skilled medical and nursing staff with vast experience of different types of labor and special antenatal & postnatal care. Our gynecologists have got their training at top worldwide programs; they are certified with fellowships of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons (UK), College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan (CPSP), MSc,Doctorate and Egyptian board … etc.

The Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology is operated round the clock to ensure the services
provision in order to facilitate the patients seeking the services at anytime throughout the day.

The services include, but are not limited to; the latest laparoscopic techniques for diagnostic and/or therapeutic procedures, caesarian sections, mayomectomies, hysterectomies (vaginal & abdominal), twin deliveries, ectopic pregnancies, prolapse repair, DNCs & ENCs, Ovarian Cystectomies and fistula’s repair …etc.

Special attention is paid to all medically complicated cases with pregnancy, such as cases with
gestational, type-I or type-II diabetes, hypertension or cardiac malfunction cases.

In short, the following are some of the important procedures being carried out by this Department:

  • All types of contraception.
    1. Insertion of IUCD.
    2. Removal of IUCD.
    3. Removal of Implanon.
    4. COCP, mimi pills.
    5. Nova ring.
    6. Evra patch.
  • HSG Hysterosalpingography.
  • Pap smear.
  • HVS.


Medical Team

Obstetrics & Gynecology

Dr. Naheed Baseer


Dr. Amira Magdy


Dr. Musarrat Naveed


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