Clinical Laboratory

Clinical Laboratory

The Clinical Laboratory provides good reliable results within acceptable time limit. We try as much as possible to meet standard of W.H.O. Clinicians deal with unavoidable uncertainty, arising from a number of sources, every time they make decisions about diagnosis, therapy, or prognosis , Laboratory medicine plays a central role in managing this day-to-day uncertainty.

Our Clinical Laboratory comprises of various sections which include Haematology, Biochemistry, Serology, Endocrinology, Microbiology sections and Health Fitness Certificate Centre.

  • Haematology Section: Here investigations like Complete Blood Count ( CBC with differential) are performed on Haematology Cell Counter of Sysmex series. Coagulation studies are performed on Coagulometer.
  • Clinical Biochemistry Section: Here the different biochemical test of blood, Urine and body fluids are done on Chemistry Auto-analyzers like OLYMPUS and DIRUI.
  • Serology & Endocrinology Sections: Investigations are done here, by device methodology (immuno-chromatography) and latex agglutination method. Various tests are performed by these methods in this department. Hormones of different types are done on Cobas E 411 autoanalyzer in the Endocrinology department. Some tests of Virology can also be performed here to reconfirm the results of Medical Fitness certificate department.
  • Microbiology Sections: Here routine bacterial and Fungal cultures are performed and samples are processed in a Class 2 safety cabinet and subsequently incubated at 37 C for 24 hours. Lateron Sensitivity is performed on yielded growth and identification of organisms done by using Biochemical kit e.g. API - 20E. The results are provided within 48-72 hours.
  • Health Fitness Certificate Centre: In this department samples for viral infections e.g. HIV, HBsAg & HCV are processed on Elisa autoanalyzer ( Best 2000).Here certificates of residence permit, driving license, certificates for food handlers e.g. restaurant workers are processed and Microbiology tests of stool and urine for Salmonella and Shigella are also performed.



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