General Surgery

General Surgery

Our Surgeons are among the most skilled and hold safe surgical hands in their respective specialty. They have got training at top surgical programs and are certified with worldwide recognized specialized certification such as fellowship or membership of Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of England, College of Physicians and Surgeons of Pakistan, Master degree in Surgery from Egypt University… etc.

Ummal Qura surgeons are patient friendly, patients who have experienced surgery accomplished by our surgeons notice the difference. Patients frequently provide the feedback on surgeries that they were able to communicate effectively with their surgeon and were fully satisfied from the services provided upto 98%, which is no doubt quiet rare to accomplish.

General surgery as a field comprises (but is not limited to) the performance of all kinds of open and laparoscopic surgical procedures.

Our general surgery unit offers a full range of consultations and surgical services for:

  • Laparoscopic surgeries (cholecystectomy, appendectomy, varicocelectomy …etc).
  • Gastrointestinal surgeries (hemorrhoids, fissurectomy, appendecectomy…etc).
  • Hernia surgeries (epigastric hernia, umblical & paraumbilical, inguinal hernia, inguinoscrotal …etc.).
  • Breast surgeries (lumpectomy, excisions…etc.).
  • Gallbladder surgeries (cholecystectomy…etc.).
  • Amputation.

Surgeries done in our facilities (under local anesthesia):

  • All types of wounds (suturing, debridement).
  • Excision of swellings under local anesthesia (like: lipoma, sebaceous cyst. …etc.).
  • Drainage of abscess.
  • Ingrowing toenail removal.
  • Circumcision & other minor procedures done under local anesthesia.


Medical Team

General Surgery

Dr. Magdy Farrag

General Surgeon

Dr. Tarek Saber

General Surgeon

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